Call for papers for proceedings

Call For Papers

of the Proceedings of the Second Central European Conference in Linguistics for postgraduate Students.

As announced during the conference, we are inviting all conference participants presenting either an oral or a poster presentation at CECIL’S to submit a paper version of their presentation to a conference proceedings.

The guidelines for your submissions are provided below.

Online proceedings

The Proceedings of CECIL’S2 will take the form of a peer-reviewed, online volume with an ISBN number, hosted on the servers of Pazmany University, with open-access, freely downloadable articles.

Review process

Each submission will first be screened for acceptability of its quality (both overall content and format). All acceptable submissions will be sent to be reviewed by anonymous referees before final publication in the volume.

After the review process, authors will be notified of the results (accepted with minor revisions, accepted with major revisions, reject). Each accepted submission will be invited to be *revised*, based on comments from the reviewers.

When the revised version is received, the revisions will be checked before inclusion in the volume.


As announced at the conference closing, the deadline for receiving your submission is:

15 October 2012

Note that you will have a chance to make revisions to your paper in a second round, after you have received comments from your reviewers.

Please send both your paper and titlepage (see below) to the conference email:

Your submission should be sent in an MS-Word document file (preferably saved as MS-Word doc, rather than docx) AND in pdf.

If you work with TeX, please send both pdf files, and the tex files.

Submission guidelines

You have two options in formatting your manuscript:
1. Simple formatting guidelines
2. Final, full set of formatting requirements

1. You can follow the simple guidelines below, which are easier to employ than the formatting requirements for the revised and final published paper. In this case, if your paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to prepare the revised version according to the formatting stylesheet that you can find in MS-Word document format HERE, and in a pdf file HERE.

2. You may choose to follow the formatting stylesheet already at this stage, and prepare your manuscript according to that stylesheet. In this case, preparing your manuscript for the first submission will involve following more specific formatting requirements, but your gain will be that you won’t need to do further formatting at the stage of preparing the revised, final version of your paper.

If you opt for employing the simpler formatting guidelines for your initial submission, then please follow the instructions immediately below.

1. Simple formatting guidelines:

–Use a 12pt Times New Roman font (for main text, notes, and references), with single spacing, on an A4 sheet with 1-inch (2,54 cm) margins all around.

–Try to keep notes to a minimum. Use footnotes, rather than endnotes.

–Indent the first line of each paragraph by 1 inch.

–The ideal length for a paper manuscript is around 20 pages of the above kind, including notes and references. The maximum length is set at 25 pages of the above kind, including notes and references. Exceptions to this limit can be granted only in exceptional cases.

– The referencing system you use should comply with the author-date system of the Chicago Manual of Style. Please do a web search if you are not familiar with this system. For a quick reference, you can use:

– Insert page numbers at the bottom of the page.

– For all further text related issues, consult the Chicago Manual of Style.

2. If you opt for following the more specific guidelines that will be required for the final, published paper, then please ignore the instructions above, and instead follow the instructions in the attached stylesheet file.

Anonymization and titlepage

Whichever formatting you choose to go for, please make sure that:

– your manuscript is appropriately anonymized.
(The properties field of the document contains no information. The properties of a document, both MS-Word and Adobe Acrobat, are available to be viewed and modified in the File menu in earlier versions of these softwares.)

– you prepare a separate titlepage including:
title, author’s name/authors’ names, current affiliation(s) (i.e., the name of your department/institute and university) and a short abstract (max. 150 words).

– acknowledgments (expressing any help or support received), if applicable, should be included in the titlepage (and not the paper itself)

We look forward to receiving your contribution.

CECILS2 Organizers

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