Info for poster presenters

On this page we provide some basic practical information for prospective poster presenters. If you have already seen or presented poster presentations, you’ll know most of this, so this is mainly intended for those who haven’t.

The size of an ideal poster is A0 (poster boards at CECIL’S 3 will conveniently measure 1m*2m).
 Experience teaches us that it’s best if a poster as one piece (in our case, an A0 page), and if it is colour.
 Of course, you may choose black and white, and a different format.
 But please do not print your poster presentation on a series of A4 pages (you are advised against anything below a set of A3 pages).

We will provide blue tacks/tapes/pins to put up your poster with, so you don’t need to bring any of these.

We recommend that you make sure that you have all (and only) the most important information on the poster, clearly organized and legible from a distance (avoid too small font sizes, use colors and/or graphics, if you can, to emphasize your points). You can find helpful templates for posters on the internet. If this is going to be your first poster, we recommend you have a look at LSA’s Poster Guide first.

You may also want to prepare a handout to go with your presentation as well, so that people can take it home. The handout may simply contain the material in your poster in a layout appropriate for A4 sheets.

New! Due to the relatively large number of posters, there will be two poster sessions, one on each day. Each session will be about 60 mins long.

Past experience also tells us that travelling with a huge rolled-up printed poster is not very convenient. As most of you need to travel at least a few hours to the conference venue, we are offering to have your poster printed for you, and have it delivered to the conference venue by the morning of the first day of the conference. 
We can have your poster printed as a colour A0 page from a pdf file containing an image of appropriate quality. The cost of this is EUR 30, which should be paid in advance by bank transfer together with the registration fee. The deadline for sending us your poster file in pdf is 15 August, noon CET.
 This is just an offer on our behalf to make your trip a bit more convenient. Needless to say, you can take your poster home with you after the conference, if you like.

We look forward to seeing you at CECIL’S!


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